The Soul Heals~Love Heals

Soul Songs








What People Are Saying About Their Energy Healing Sessions With Amy! 



Amy brings amazing healing to the world!

Amy is basically an Angel on this earth here to help us regular folks feel infinitely better as we navigate these times!  You are in the most amazing hands with Amy.  She is loving and her remote healings are deep and she literally helps me to step into my power and she helps me feel that I am not insane!  She helps me to understand what is happening and why with love and compassion!


Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides.

So excited! to have another session with you Amy I am so glad i figures out a way to keep you in my life so I could continue to do more healing sessions! You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought that really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful! ox


When I think back to my first healing with Amy B Martin that really changed everything for me. I met myself for the very first time because of Amy. Now it's about me reconnecting with this part of me through regular healings in her VIP sessions until I am able to fully hold that feeling for myself on my own.  So grateful for you Amy and your healing presence and your gifts! 


I’m beyond grateful that, thru MLR, I did encounter working with you….omg I needed this VIP work that u so gently offer…and, frankly, the frequent interactions via text really have made a significant impact….helping feel in my body that I can relax and remember that even tho my next session might be days off I can interact in short impactful ways in my daily life…it has helped me feel calmer in my body more often, like I’m not alone in this the rest of the time…and that feeling stays with me more and more,🙏🏻. Love you, Amy


One of my favorite Amy stories that I love to tell. I told them how Amy  is  an Angel that was jammed into human skin and your skin is getting so small that your angel wings are starting to poke through lol!!!  Love you to pieces.



I feel like you're just this incredible Angel Amy.  It's TRUE


Thank you so very much Amy!  I am soooo very grateful for our connection and you sharing your gifts with me 💖🌺 I’m feeling much better...  lighter and sleeping.  To connect with you in and of itself is a beautiful gift ❤️ your heart~ your holding~ your love~ your presence I deeply felt~ thank you for your insight~ seeing me~ hearing me~ knowing me~ and such a needed powerful healing!  I look forward to our next session I need this deep VIP healing work you offer and this Soul ful healing connection as much if not more as the air I breathe! ❤️ 


So grateful I listened to my inner wisdom and suggestions from Soul mates who highly encouraged me to reach out to you a few months ago~ reminding me of your beautiful gifts and loving healing connection.  💖🩷


Amy, you are so SWEET and such an Angel in my life!  😇 Thank you for your healing enlightenment and the mind shift that it all created within me. Words cannot fully express the BLESSING you've been to me in my life!!!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you!!! Love You!  Love You!  Love You!!!!!


I refer to Amy as my crying guide/healer/coach. My father's death had me completely sad and lost. I was overwhelmed!! And I couldn't "get it back up" alone. It even felt like I lost a part of myself that i couldn't find and I didn't even really know what that meant. I put out a “call for help” in one of the Margaret Lynch Raniere groups and Amy B Martin responded. Eternally grateful to you, Amy!! 🙏💚 🙏. During the grief work that Amy allows me to do, I am able to honor and express even more of my grief. I couldn't even figure out why it felt like I had lost a part of me or where it went. This deep healing work Amy offers has finally allowed me to be comfortable with all of me... and my emotions.  And because I can feel and  access all of me... and all of my sadness i am reconnecting to an even deeper level of being able to also feel the depths of love and joy that has always existed deep within me too! Thank you Amy!


Amy B Martin Thank you 🥰 I will never forget the first time we met in Boston in 2015 and I experienced the beauty and grace of your Angelic healing presence and your Being. 


Thank you so much for yesterday’s profound session. Truly I don’t know what to say, my thanks and gratitude are beyond words. WOW I feel so privileged and blessed that we had our session at that PERFECT time. You helped me immeasurably to come to terms with what is happening and release Mum with love and gratitude to her highest good. I don’t know anyone else who could have held the space so beautifully, with such depth grace and reverence. I truly felt  in safe hands thank you 🙏  I KNEW I needed to sign up for Margaret Lynn Raniere's  programme, not just for Margaret’s wonderful training, also for these amazing sessions too. You work so perfectly together!  In the meantime with love and eternal thanks.  For being the perfect healer/guide at the perfect time for me and helping at such a momentous time 



Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Amy!! 

The container that you held for me yesterday was just so beautiful and safe.  I really feel so much opened up and may still be opening. I really appreciate you and your work - it is so powerful and healing.  Please

know that I really honor you and your gifts! I keep thinking about how easy it was to be with you in that space and how safe and trusting you were and are.  Thank you again so much!!  Sending you all the best blessings and appreciation for all that you helped me give to myself!!  And to the give of healing that you gave me too.




I have been a client of Amy's for over 5 years now.  Every time I do a session with her I know that I am in the presence of pure love.  My life has changed in so many ways and I know it is because of the compassion, Soul wisdom and healing that Amy has brought into my life.  Amy is by far the most amazing    energy worker that i have ever seen.  


Touched by an Angel

Being held by Amy is like falling into the heart of love. The burden I carried was lifetimes old. I came spilling tears on her shoulder. Amy holds such a gentle, sacred space for weary souls. In that first session, I sat in her presence and soaked in her wisdom. Then I received such a powerful energy healing that it continues to reverberate through me, my life and my relationships. I’ve been blessed. I’ve been touched by a quietly powerful healer. 




Amy is AMYZING! Yes, she gets a new word! 

I couldn’t believe how relaxed I felt afterwards - much more so than after a massage! And on a deeper level. I look forward to continuing. 


Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.

I have been blessed over my life with remarkable, talented teachers and received healings that span the gamut from physical to distance and beyond.  Rarely have I found one with the kind spirit Amy embodies.  Using soft strength Amy holds space she listens with her heart, reflect the best of you back to yourself and whisper the next step for your best support. Her level of talent is rarely found even in the healing community.  I am so grateful I chose to connect and allow!


What  I love about my work with Amy Martin:

Amy is the most sensitive and empathetic healer i have ever met in my life. A life which was full of many different kinds of energy healing.  No one sees through me into my most sensitive and vulnerable parts like she can.  No one I ever met is capable of giving so much of her unconditional love. A long-distance session with her feels craniosacral therapy to me, as if she was touching me directly through the phone. If you want to be seen, and heard, and supported by a super sensitive and loving soul Amy Martin is is my full hearted recommendation.  


Amazing Session
I have had the opportunity to have several energy healing sessions with Amy and she is truly remarkable ... she holds the space of compassion and love in all her sessions as you work through you deepest wounds, and you can feel this come through from the moment you are in her "Energy Flow" ... I would highly recommend her on your Energy Healing Journey towards Self-Love.  


Deep work for Understanding and Reframing
Amy laser focused on me and what I needed to heal. She is an excellent listener and gently asked some opening up questions. She re framed past experiences and gave me brilliant insights. One was my 7 week premature child, Scotty. I saw him as my inner child that wanted and needed to be loved and that was what I gave him before he passed on. Instead of holding him just in my heart I now see him as a guardian angel that is always with me. Just this one comforting thought is golden value.
Amy was amazing. I was really nervous going into the session but Amy was so gentle and understanding. I felt heard and completely safe with her. She really listened to what I was saying and helped me see things from a new perspective. I felt such subtle and gentle shifts inside me and am I so excited to move forward with my life after so long feeling stuck.
Deep and powerful transformational work
Amy is the BEST healer I have had experienced. Her powerful, yet gentle wisdom, compassion, guidance and healing shifted me from a place of being stuck in my business into ACTION, which is alligned with my mind, heart and soul. Amy gave me a lot of insights and ahas when it comes to my core essence, who I truly am and through her healing allowed me to give myself "permission" to go for what I feel I really want. It`s been a liberating, uplifting, deeply transformational and soulful experience.
Wonderful Session
Amy is gifted and extremely compassionate. Her listening skills are exquisite. I felt safe in her gentle and nurturing energy. My root chakra felt empty afterwards in a good way. Of course! Tabula Rosa! Thank you, Amy
Amy Is An Incredible Healer
I recently had a healing with Amy and she helped me heal a long forgotten wound. I felt so much lighter after. Her gentle and compassionate way makes it so easy to "go there". Thanks, Amy!
An amazing, transformational experience
I just experienced another transformative healing session with Amy Martin. She is so intuitively guided and opens up deep places in me at a soul level. The healing continues for days after our original session as small and large shifts happen and insights are revealed. I am so grateful that Amy is in the world.
Another Amazing Healing
I had such an amazing healing. So much peace and calm when Amy finished my healing. I am so thankful for Amy and her beautiful healing abilities. Thank you Amy
WOW WOW AND WOW Amy's Healing Has Changed My Life - Beautiful
Amy is and was so gentle and caring, A true listener, I want to live in my love and light. Amy had me seeing beautiful colors, birds, star, lightening, owl with rainbow coloring around the eyes and all were signs from myself releasing the things that I was holding on to that no longer serve me, I felt such energy such light, I have never experiences something so truly pure. Thank you Amy. I don't even know how to express my gratitude for this wonderful, beautiful loving and light filled path.
Such a great loving experience :-)
I was in a tough spot when Amy started to talk to me and everything got light and bubbly. Healings usually take some time to integrate with me. Next morning I woke up so happy and peaceful. I still KNOW who I was being during and after the healing and I feel my spirit has been liberated just a little bit more. More and more I feel my souls purpose sneaking up on me. Lovely experience with Amy and Amy is facilitating the liberating along with my willingness to open up to her healing love.
Amazing Healer
I had a healing session with Amy recently and it was a beautiful experience. I was able to go to a very deep place and feel the energy move through my body. She is such a caring and loving person and she holds a safe space for transformation to take place. Amy is so gifted at being the compassionate, empathetic container. Yes, those are her super powers! She also related insights that felt like "truth"! I won't forget them. I'm so grateful! Thank you Amy!
Healing with Amy
I had a great healing experience with Amy, it was relaxing, and felt so very connected even from a distance. A great connection and feeling full of energy after the healing complete. l look forward to planning our next session.
Beautiful session 
Beautiful session last night and I truly value our time together.  It's so important for me to have a space for me...and that's what you provide so beautifully. I'm grateful.  xo

I felt blocks to my soul purpose shift and move!

Amy is a master healer. My energy moved in a way I never had before. After decades of healing work diving deeper, connecting even more to my soul purpose, I was ready for a big shift into divine power - and I received it. Just from talking with her before the actual  healing I felt calmer, more comfortable and I was able to shift to a higher perspective. Then during the healing I felt sensations of 'gravel' being shoved aside from my upper chest, waves of energy breaking up 'rocks' of energy. Yes! I'm empowered!

Healing from afar
I have had a few telephone healing sessions with Amy and when we first started I was concerned about having long distance sessions, I wondered how effective they would be... but after 1 phone session with Amy, my fears were laid to rest. Amy is the real deal. She is the light at the end of a dark tunnel, she provides useful insights with love, grace and her gentle nature.
Realm Of Healing 
With Amy, we enter that realm of healing. Thank you again, Amy .
Amy Holds A Vast Healing Space
Thankfully, I had a session with the Angel Amy, and it is ALWAYS at the perfect time. Amazing session, and this morning, I am back. She holds such a vast healing space, like none other. I tear up thinking about it. I have had several sessions with Amy, and each time she brings me back into myself and wholeness. 
Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides.
So excited! to have another session with you Amy I need to figure out a way to keep you in my life so I continue to do more healing sessions! You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought that really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful! ox
I can highly recommend Amy
Amy is a loving, caring high-frequency person who truly shines her light in the world and her support is divine in so many aspects. I can highly recommend Amy and her gifts for anyone who likes the extra energetic support to move through things with much more ease and flow in life.
Great Session With Amy
During my recent session with Amy, I felt like I'd been wrapped up in the softest, warmest blanket of Divine Love ever. It felt like what my Soul most needed at that time. I have a hard time being open and vulnerable and connecting to my body but somehow, Amy was able to take me there. Loved it!
The Awesome Amy Experience!
Amy is an angel. Her calm, caring, listening heart touches me on so many levels. Her generosity of spirit and willingness to be present for others is such a gift. Pure love and light. That's the Awesome Amy Experience!
Amy is the definition of pure love
It's hard to explain in words how amazing Amy is. The healing starts as soon as I start talking to her! She's so full of Divine and unconditional love that it's contagious-- I can't help but start loving myself. She's able to see beyond what I can see for myself, it's as if she's known me for years. She truly sees me. Amy has helped me shift many traumas & insecurities, I've been able to let go of beliefs that were holding me back. I am so grateful to have Amy in my life, she is a gift from God.
All I can say is that somehow Amy reached me through "time and space" and filled me with such loving feelings that I instantly changed the way I felt about a very difficult person in my life. Amy's gift has literally allowed me to find the part of me that wanted to love and forgive but was stuck in an old pattern of pain. I can't wait for my next session!!!
Amy B Martin....there is nobody better...
A healing session with Amy B. Martin is like a gentle nudge into your soul. She is so loving and giving. Amy has amazing insight.
Amy B Martin Healing
Amy is pure love, period. and also a master healer. As Amy delivers love and healing during our sessions, I am amazed at how powerfully she holds a space of pure love and acceptance, without judgment, and how powerfully and vibrantly alive I feel after each session. The healing she provides is deep, transformational and powerful and I am so thankful to have met her!
Amy is one of the most compassionate heart centered people I know. I feel safe, loved and seen when I am around her and when I having a healing session. She has been there to support me, help me heal and grow and change my life. Thank you Amy from the bottom, top and all sides of my heart. 
Absolutely Divine
If Amy says hello, it seems as though all the troubles of the world have melted away. A healing session is just divine. I really felt like my troubles started to move gently out of the way. Thank you Amy!
Powerful beautiful healing by Amy
Amy B Martin is an amazing healer! She is gentle yet clear in giving guidance for my highest good. Her connection to divine guidance is clear and full of integrity. I always leave empowered and energized. I highly recommend Amy!”
So blessed
I had my first healing with Amy this past week. During the healing I felt waves of gentle energy and Divine love flowing through me and I felt deep peace afterwords. In the days that have followed I continue to experience a softer more open heart. I feel blessed to know Amy!

Healing from afar

I have had a few telephone energy healing sessions with Amy and when we first started I was concerned about having long distance sessions, I wondered how effective they would be... but after 1 phone session with Amy, my fears were laid to rest. Amy is the real deal. She is the light at the end of a dark tunnel, she provides useful insights with love, grace and her gentle nature.  


Amy is an Angel... My Soul needs the healing she so lovingly and beautifully provides.

So excited! to have another session with you Amy I need to figure out a way to keep you in my life so I continue to do more energy healing sessions! You really are an angel. I can feel it, my Soul needs the energy healing you so lovingly and beautifully provide. I bought that really beautiful, soft rose pink blanket to wrap myself up in. When I see it, I think of you. It is so heart warming to be reminded of you. So grateful!  ox 


I can highly recommend Amy

Amy is a loving, caring high-frequency person who truly shines her light in the world and her support is divine in so many aspects. I can highly recommend Amy and her gifts for anyone who likes the extra energetic support to move through things with much more ease and flow in life.   With Amy, we enter that realm of energy healing. Thank you again, Amy.  


Amy B Martin....there is nobody better...

A session with Amy B. Martin is like a gentle nudge into your soul. She is so loving and giving. Amy has amazing insight.  


Amy B Martin Healing

Amy is pure love, period. and also a master healer. As Amy delivers love and energy healing during our sessions, I am amazed at how powerfully she holds a space of pure love and acceptance, without judgment, and how powerfully and vibrantly alive I feel after each session. The energy healing she provides is deep, transformational and powerful and I am so thankful to have met her!  


So blessed

I had my first energy healing with Amy this past weekend. During the energy healing I felt waves of gentle energy and Divine love flowing through me and I felt deep peace afterwords. In the days that have followed I continue to experience a softer more open heart. I feel blessed to know Amy!  



I've found my remote sessions with Amy to be quite powerful, and I live quite a distance away, so I am really comfortable with canceling my in-person sessions knowing that we can do the remote energy healings!  


Out of this World! 

My time with Amy was insightful. I came away from our time together, with another level of clarity of myself.  The session was.... the best I ever had!   During the session... I was thinking 'How the heck does she do it (long distance), from all the way over there (in RI) to way over here (in British Columbia)???'.   I always walk away... soulfully connected.  


Energy Session with Amy Martin

I've never felt as loved, seen, and heard as when I experienced my long distance session with Amy.   My whole being shifted to a higher vibration, enveloped in pure unconditional love.  I can now see myself for the truth of who I am, and love and honor my inner child. Thank you Amy, from the bottom of my heart.  


Amy Holds Our Hearts With Sacredness

Amy's a miracle for us in Margaret's program.  Even long distance, I feel that she holds all our hearts with a Sacredness as we expand our hearts thru this program. I do the 7 Levels of Miracles following each call as we move up to the next chakra, so I can transform ME from another perspective. I Love You Sooooo!  


No Words... Amazing!

I saw Amy's tender heart which allowed me to recognize it in myself for the first time. We barely spoke, just a feeling. Wow. Her sessions are all about bringing out the best in the most gentle way. A soft sharing at the soul level. It's just my favorite way to connect. It's clear that her love, joy and kindness have no limitations. And once her remote session was complete I felt in total surrender. So very powerful. Just do it. Hugs!


Wrapped in Love, Inspired to Lead!

Even though my session was over the phone, Amy truly held space for me in a way that no one has ever done before. She listened, and heard through my words, the voice of my soul. She helped me interpret my desires, and reconnect with my ability to feel. I was wrapped in a blanket of love to receive the healing, and at the end I could feel the connection to my soul, and the enthusiasm within me felt explosive, and I was inspired to step into my incredible life with power and become the leader that I'm here to be! I'm deeply grateful! xoxo   

Amy Rocks!

Amy is an absolute Light on this planet. She has a rare gift in her ability to be completely present and hold a beautiful Sacred space of Love, coupled with a deep Soul wisdom & intuition that seem to guide her healing work. My long distance session was extremely powerful and I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is considering working with her. Love!


Held in the Deepest, Most Loving Space!

I've had several sessions with Amy in person and long distance and I always come out of them with a deep sense of renewed love for myself and for others and a feeling that I can accomplish anything. Who doesn't want that! Love, love, love Amy B Martin!   


Amy Holds A Vast Healing Space

Thankfully, I had a session with the Angel Amy, and it is ALWAYS at the perfect time. Amazing session, and this morning, I am back. She holds such a vast energy healing space, like none other. I tear up thinking about it. I have had several sessions with Amy, and each time she brings me back into myself and wholeness.   




Amy mentioned that it was my soul speaking loudly through my pain and I was shocked into remembering I have a Soul. Of course! I felt so lost in the newness of my last breakthrough that I forgot I was still me inside. What a relief. And the remote session was just that, a relaxing back into my knowing. So much gratitude. Hugs. 






*I understand that Energy healing is a simple, gentle, long distance and also hands-on energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. Energy Healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. 

Energy healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have.   Energy Healing can beautifully and powerfully complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving, knowing that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.

Long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.


Amy B Martin is not a doctor or a therapist and she makes no promises, claims, guarantees or representations regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and is neither diagnosing, preventing nor treating specific mental, emotional and/or health challenges, therefore payments are non refundable. The healings Amy offers help to charge, restructure, clear, ground and energize each of the energy centers so you can begin to feel connected to your life and your purpose again.  Healings are about helping you feel your deeper Soul inner purpose and calling and feel that connection with your life, balancing, aligning and supporting your nervous system allowing you to remember who you really are and what it feels like to be you at the deepest level.  Sessions have the potential and ability to compliment most medical care that is already being given and although they can work beautifully together, it is never advised to be used in replacement of medical supervision and care from your primary doctor or therapist. 


*I understand and am fully aware that energy healing practitioners do not diagnose illness, disease or mental disorders nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I acknowledge Amy B Martin is not a licensed physician or psychologist. I understand that energy healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed medical professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have. I understand that energy medicine healing can complement any medical or psychological care I may be receiving, but is not a substitute for nor take the place of care. I acknowledge that long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to release and heal itself. I understand that I am entitled to stop a healing session at any time, with or without cause. I release Amy B Martin from any and all claims of liability, malpractice, or lack of informed consent. I understand that this session(s) will not heal or cure me and that I am responsible for my own healing. I understand that Amy is trained to hold a powerful intention for every healing for my highest and best good, and that a deep and Sacred and Safe space is always being held for me at all times. Privacy Notice: No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent by the client.