The Soul Heals~Love Heals

What Is Full Spectrum Healing?





What is Energy Healing?


I feel like I have been a spiritual seeker for most my life, feeling like I have had one foot in the spirit world and one barely planted here on Earth… there has always been a part of me that I has always sought to connect with the Soul parts of me and who I am at the deepest level and the more than the human side of me leaving me always feeling very empty and lost... and like I didnt belong here.  


In that process I feel like I have been Divinely guided along the way that lead me to various forms of world renowned spiritual teachers and energy healers... and many facets of healing modalities including but not limited to Reiki and Full Spectrum Healings.  


Up until then, I had no idea I wasn’t even in my body and/or I was running all my energy through my mind or energetically floating around above myself until I started receiving regular Full Spectrum Energy healings and started to real that I had legs and there was a huge part of me that not only belonged but was needed here on planet earth.  

After a healing, I noticed that always felt more expanded… and more reconnected… to not only my body... but also myself on a deeper Soul level... and what I had been searching for all along but I could never put my finger on it.  


I felt a deeper sense of clarity, energy, aliveness, deep inner peace… stillness... and joy... beyond the stress... anxieties... fears... and noisy confusion of life.. and was pleasantly surprised because I started to reconnect with all of these parts of myself that I thought were lost… and I quickly realized they had been there all along… they had just been deeply hiding.

I began showing up in my daily life with more presence. more compassion and love for myself the way I had always shown up for others.  


And I could feel in my body how the energy healings were helping me by releasing blocks, and opening up my energy pathways to bring about deep physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.  


I could feel how they were clearing blocks, opening my chakras and releasing unexpressed pain and trauma, and I naturally started to feel more vitality, peace and harmony inside myself... my life and in the world in a way I had never experienced before.  


I started to notice a difference in how I was feeling and showing up my life.


Over the years I have found that energy healings to be an effective and powerful way to help me, and my clients, humbly manifest the life our heart and Soul truly desire with grace and ease.   


This is why I am here… and so deeply passionate about I do!


Thank you!  I can hardly wait to connect with you and your beautiful Soul for your healing session!  

 oxoxoxo ๐Ÿ’—Amy


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Healing And Loving The World… One Soul At A Time



Full Spectrum Healings 

Some People Refer To Full Spectrum Healings

 As Reiki On Steroids Because It Is Equivalent To

20 Different Healing Modalities All In One

That Assist In

Restoring Your Body, Mind And Soul


Activating An Internal Reset Button


Helps You Innerstand Your Energy Body More Fully


Gently Calling Back Your Spirit And Whispering To Your Soul Reminding You Of The Truth Of Who You Really Are


All Helping You Expand Beyond Any Hard Wired Programming And Dis~Ease in The Body, Mind And Spirit   


Reconnecting You With Your Soul And The Most Powerful

And Authentic Version Of You!

And So Much More!

The goal of each full spectrum healing is not simply to relieve feelings of sadness, fear or pain but to create a deep sense of harmony within so you can begin living a more expanded, vibrant, peaceful and joyful heart centered life.



Each healing is specifically attuned to you and your needs and we will work with each specific chakra to facilitate massive change by literally rebuilding your Temple of Divinity from the ground up
and gently but powerfully opening up
your empowerment and manifestation channels.
Because we have 7 chakras
a healing package of at least a minimum of 7 sessions
is usually highly recommended to receive the full effect. 
 We will be holding a very deep and Sacred honoring of your healing process throughout… 
โค๏ธThe first session we will focus your healing on your first chakra, to rebuild your chakras from the ground up… because that is where all the other chakras are built upon and just like a tree if your root is not solid and grounded the tree will not be able to sustain itself.  We will do this by gently exploring the first chakra wounds and traumas in your nervous system… and where you feel it in your body so we can begin to gently release them… and the actually healing will revolve around me energetically healing, releasing, grounding, restructuring, rebuilding and energizing your first chakra and calling back your spirit using specific techniques that took many years of energy medicine training to learn.
๐ŸงกThe second session, if you choose to purchase a healing package, we would do the same for that chakra...we would focus your healing on your second chakra gently exploring the wounds and traumas in your nervous system on the second chakra level… and the healing would again revolve around me energetically healing, releasing, grounding, restructuring, rebuilding and energizing your second chakra and calling back your spirit using specific techniques that took many years of energy medicine training to learn. 
๐Ÿ’›The third session, again if you choose to purchase a healing package, we would do the same for that chakra...we would focus your healing on your third chakra gently exploring the wounds and traumas in your nervous system on the third chakra level… and the healing would again revolve around me energetically healing, releasing, grounding, restructuring, rebuilding and energizing your third chakra again softly calling back your spirit using specific techniques that took many years of energy medicine training to learn. 
๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸคWe will do this gentle and beautiful, yet powerful healing process with the 4th, 5th, 6th chakras and all the way up to the 7th chakra… and by the 7th session, you have a whole new energy body and a whole new energy system to build your life upon by reconnecting you with the Divine joy, peace and love that already exists within you so you can begin to move into the world in a whole new heart centered and empowered way.




During each healing I always love to hold a deep and Sacred honoring of all you have been through that has brought you to where you are today
andI also love to honor the Divine Intelligence of the Universe
and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should
and the intention is that each client receives exactly what they need
in this now moment for them to heal. 



I offer Long Distance Sessions by appointment only.



Sessions Are Usually Between 60-90 minutes


Energy Medicine and Full Spectrum Healing

Is The Art Of Healing At The Deepest Level


Its Not The Modality Itself That Actually Heals

Its The Practitioners Ability To Heal

Something Very Deep And Painful Within Themselves

That Was Holding Them Back

From Living TheIr Soul's Purpose
and The Life They Were Born To Live


It is a quality of being that the practitioner is able to embody, allowing them to hold a radiant and vibrant sense of connection to their Soul~ and their deeper sense of inner purpose~ and meaning~ that has the ability to transcend any physical... emotional... spiritual dis~ease in the system...

and therefore can transform any person

into a highly skilled and gifted healer


It takes many years of study, inner healing,

AND a tremendous amount of Courage... Strength... and A Willingness to dive deep inner break through healing work


In order for the Energy Medicine Practitioners to learn

how to "hold their field"

and raise their vibration to the highest level

which opens them up to a space of allowing them to awaken healing first within themself 

and then the client


And hold their vibration at the same level

they have had to heal it within themselves



Being in the presence of someone

who has healed something very deep and painful

within themselves 

and then vibrates from that place,

begins to awaken the same healing qualities within their clients




When it is just you, you feel connected with your own Sacred and Divine Intelligence and inner calling... you can feel the expansiveness of your Heart and your Soul and you can feel the pull of the still small voice within you... you feel like you are totally connected and you can feel how you are being called to do something more with your life.  
But then there are also the moments where it feels so overwhelming... scary...  
 terrifying.... and extremely painful... you feel contracted... small...unworthy...
and the point that you feel crazy because
even the thought of being seen shining your brilliance 
and your light, makes you collapse and want to give up. 
You know all too well by now that this pattern has caused you you a tremendous cycle of pain and suffering and you have this deep inner knowing by now, that you can’t do it alone... 
...and the good news is, now you don’t have to! 
Hi my name is Amy B Martin, and I know what it feels like because I have been there too. Not many people know this about me but before doing this work I tormented myself for years knowing I was called to do something more with my life… something that made a difference for myself and for others.
I felt a deep inner calling, and a deep Soul pull that kept me awake at night~ but I was much too afraid to take the leap of faith, to put myself out there in a bigger way and be seen in a greater light. 
Because who was I, and how could I possibly survive doing what I was feeling called to do?  It was too hard.  I was terrified.  I had tried for years on my own and it was an extremely painful process and it never seemed to get any easier. 
Then in 2009 my life completely changed.... and now I am living my passion and my purpose.... and this is exactly why I am so deeply passionate about what I do!




It’s no wonder that the first four of the letters in the word “Health” are the letters HEAL.  Energy healing seems to be more and more common and going main stream these days with so many practitioners offering all different kinds of energy healing modalities and clients who are looking for them.  You may have heard of “Full Spectrum Energy Healing” and might even wonder if it can really help you.

Full Spectrum Energy Healing focusing on your body's wholeness which includes re~balancing your energy centers also known as chakras.  Energy flows in our body very much like the flow of the current in a river. When we are in vibrant health and wholeness, it feels like a nice smooth ride down the river on a beautiful sunny afternoon on the weekend... calm and steady.





Now picture the river during a storm or a hurricane and everything feels totally different!   When you or someone you know suffers from dis~ease, their energy system is more like the river with a damn of broken sticks, branches and leaves that have come down in the storm that are now blocking the flow of the current.   


Full Spectrum Energy Healing (FSEH) is like opening up the flow of the current by removing the sticks, branches and leaves, allowing the body’s energy to flow much more freely, easing the stagnancy and congestion that may be creating dis~ease, feelings of sadness... anxiousness... distress... low energy or even the feeling of just being ungrounded and out of balance. 


In order to more fully appreciate the potential and how all of this may assist in leading to better energy health, it is important to know a little bit about our bodies energy anatomy.


It is a fact that we all have a physical body, but what many people may not know that we also have an energetic body and that there are seven major energy centers in our body called chakras.


Each of these energy centers/ chakras correspond with the major endocrine glands in our body and each has their own specific and unique characteristics.

Just as our physical body grows and develops over time we also have an energy body that does the same.  


Our chakras begin developing prior to our birth beginning at the first chakra, which is at the base of our spine, and the energy moves upwards as we grow.  


Each chakra has its own vibration, frequency, color and body structures that keeps energetically healthy. The seven main chakras are the seven colors of the rainbow. 






Full Spectrum Energy Healing works at each of the chakras systems at its own frequency, vibration or the easiest way to think about it, color. The seven colors of the rainbow are the “full spectrum” of the rainbow and of these main chakras and what the energy healer works with.


If you have ever felt stuck in life, or feel like you have little or no energy and your doctor or therapist cannot figure out why... or you may feel the inability to think clearly or you may even feel anxious.... overwhelmed or even emotional for no apparent reason...   


All of this may likely be related to changes in your energy system and you could greatly benefit from a chakra tune up!



Full Spectrum Healings have a Reiki like quality but the intention is integrating all 12 levels of your aura/ field (that include your energetic chakras,  and spiritual centers which include your life purpose levels and Soul levels) allowing you to access and heal deeper levels of consciousness... awareness and healing.

Sessions are beautifully designed for you to touch your Soul and awaken to your Divinity and your gifts~ (maybe deeper than you ever have before)~ bringing clarity, energy, confidence, courage allowing you to feeling balanced and harmonious well being in your body, mind and spirit.



Sessions are designed around your specific needs.

Everyone’s experience is highly individual and unique.

People often experience a state of deep inner peace and joyful awareness and deeper connection with their life and feeling their purpose.

Sessions can be done long distance any time you feel out of balance or if you feel spiritually disconnected and out of alignment from yourself, your gifts, and the truth of your Soul's deepest purpose...


..OR if you are feeling on top of the world (and on fire) and you would like to continue to ignite your inner fire.... passion... enthusiasm... and feelings of boundless joy... as you continue to accelerate and step deeper into your life and your purpose while continuing to feel held in loving healing support.




To schedule a session please go to my CONTACT ME page here

or email me at 

I look forward to connecting with you and your beautiful Soul soon!

Thank you! ox





Amy is not a doctor or a therapist and she makes no promises, claims, guarantees or representations regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and is neither diagnosing, preventing nor treating specific mental, emotional and/or health challenges, therefore payments are non refundable.  


Full Spectrum Energy Healings help to charge, restructure, clear, ground and energize each of the energy centers so you can begin to feel connected to your life and your purpose again.

  Full Spectrum Healings are about helping you feel your deeper Soul inner purpose and calling and feel that connection with your life, balancing, aligning and supporting your nervous system allowing you to remember who you really are and what it feels like to be you at the deepest level.  

Sessions have the potential and ability to compliment most medical care that is already being given and although they can work beautifully together, it is never advised to be used in replacement of medical supervision and care from your primary doctor or therapist. 


Energy healing is a simple, gentle, long distance and also hands-on energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation.

Energy Healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. 

Energy healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have. 

Energy Healing can beautifully and powerfully complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving, knowing that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.

Long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.